[SEL] Westinghouse Genset

Tim Christoff tchristoff at earthlink.net
Fri Nov 25 09:11:04 PST 2005

My sisters father-inlaw was just given a 1925 (per a date stamp that he
found) Westinghouse Genset.  It is simliar looking to the common Delco. 
Has the tin covered cylinder and cast finned flywheel.  It is a one
cylinder also.  He has no other info on it as there seems to be a plate
missing that had a tag on it.  Does anyone on the list have one of these
that could send a pic of what it looks like when all there?  The upper
piece of tin for the cylinder is missing and he is not sure how the spark
timer works.  I have a picture of the genset and can email it to any one
that would need a closer look to help get things going.  A copy of a manual
or line diagram would also be helpful.

Tim Christoff

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