[SEL] Make your own Iron Castings!!

Tod Engine todengine at zoominternet.net
Mon May 30 06:15:14 PDT 2005

Yes Sloss furnaces is now a city park!  They opened up in 1988 or so. I 
visited in 1993 and was given the grand tour, including to the tops of both 
furnaces.  There are six vertical blowing engines in their blowing engine 
house that are magnificent.  Actually one of the CDs that I sell is full of 
the photos that I took there in 93. A couple hundred or so.

As for Dave if he didn't see the price listed in my original post then he 
certainly didn't read the very fine print that stated that original Wrecking 
Crew members would not be charged for the ironcasting workshop. :-))


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Culp" <johnculp at chartertn.net>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 11:52 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Make your own Iron Castings!!

>> Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham offers this workshop for a fee of $200 and 
>> we would charge the same for a nearly identical class.  I would like to 
>> take the Sloss class to see how they teach theirs.
> Hey, I'm glad to hear they're finally doing something with the Sloss 
> Furnace! I remember from my childhood when it was a going concern, but it 
> got shut down by EPA regulations in the late '60s or so. When I was in med 
> school in Birmingham in the '70s it was just rusting away, with some  talk 
> of making it a museum.
> John Culp
> Bristol, Tennessee, USA
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