[SEL] Make your own Iron Castings!!

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Sun May 29 20:17:18 PDT 2005

I think his dollar figure was $200.


Dave Rotigel wrote:

>> So my question to you is, does this sound like something that would 
>> be of interest?  Would you give up a weekend and some cash to come to 
>> Youngstown to pour your own castings?
>> Thanks
>> Rick Rowlands
> For $5.00 I'd be interested. For $5,000.00 I probably would NOT be 
> interested. Since you provide no dollar figure I suspect that your 
> price is closer to the latter that the former. Until you provide some 
> dollar amount please count me OUT!
>         Dave
> PS, Hi Tommy, there is one born every minute! 
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