[SEL] Shed invasions

Ron Glassby ronvicki at optusnet.com.au
Sat May 21 04:54:11 PDT 2005

What hope do we have of protecting our sheds when this happens.
The West Australian Newspaper Saturday 21st. 
Residents of Ayer Road in Queens Park told the West Australian they thought it was wrong a resident was charged by police with being armed in a way to cause fear and discharging a firearm to cause fear. The man was charged after he allegedly fired two shots over the heads of a group of people outside his home last Saturday. He told police the people were trying to break into his home by kicking down his front door.
Unreal, this is exactly what I thought he was trying to do. (I will not quote the colour).

This is the same charge a mate of mine copped when he did the same thing to a mob of locals breaking in to his shed a few years back. Cost him a Thousand bucks.
Ron Glassby
Western Australia

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