[SEL] Hot tube material

Listerdiesel listerdiesel at gmail.com
Mon May 2 13:26:29 PDT 2005

On 5/2/05, Steve Gray <segray at mlode.com> wrote:
> Hi Arnie, Luke, Peter & Curt -
>   I kind of suspected that a good grade of stainless might be involved.
> Having spent the last 4 years of my employment machining Inconel,
> Nitronic, Monel and various grades of stainless, I feel everyone's past
> experiences with machining the stuff! (Sadistic is an accurate
> description, Curt!!)  I may even have a chunk of Nitronic kicking around
> in the material bin, but whatever the case, thinking about it, I agree
> something along those lines should suffice well. I doubt it would have
> to be too awfully thick to do the job. It just needs to be a short stub
> to act as a glow plug for starting this monster. Now you guys got me to
> thinking....!
> Thanks,
> Steve

With modern tipped tooling it isn't too bad a job. We used to have
carbon jaws made for our arc lights at the film & TV lighting Co that
I worked for, out of inconel, and they was a very expensive pair of

Peter A Forbes
Email: listerdiesel at gmail.com
Web: www.oldengine.org/members/diesel

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