[SEL] Petter Gib Key Update - Need Help!!!

Paul Maples paulmaples at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 30 15:01:31 PST 2005

I agree with you Larry, I am just very leery of doing this as I once drilled 
out a gib key on a IHC pulley and thought I was drilling dead center but the 
drill had ventured up through the pulley. Also as you can see the end of the 
key is probably 1/4" to 5/16" square but rapidly tapers down as it enters 
the flywheel not giving me much room to keep it in the center. I don't know 
how long the key is as the governor assembly is blocking my view of the back 
of the flywheel area.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Anger" <junkmeister2002 at yahoo.ca>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Petter Gib Key Update - Need Help!!!

> Paul - the only way to get it out is to drill and tap then use the slide 
> hammer as I advised last week. Use a small die grinder to clean up the end 
> of the key so you can center punch the end of the key for drilling. It has 
> to come out because it went in once. Just take your time and make sure you 
> drill exactly in the center and drill parrallel to the shaft so you don't 
> get into the shaft or flywheel.
> Larry Anger
> Paul Maples <paulmaples at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> Ok gang I have went from bad to worse on trying to remove the gib key from 
> the little Petter Engine. Since I have no machining capabilities these are 
> the things I have tried:
> (1) Pre-soaked the Gib Key with Kroil Penetrating oil for a week to start 
> with.
> (2) Tried driving the Gib Key in just a little more to loosen it - it did 
> not move.
> (3) Tried driving the Flywheel in just a little to break the bond on the 
> gib key - it did not move.
> (4) Used an original Gib Key Removal tool - succeeded in breaking off the 
> tang on the Gib Key.
> ( 

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