[SEL] Need Help with 1-1/2 HP Petter

Larry Anger junkmeister2002 at yahoo.ca
Thu Mar 24 08:12:51 PST 2005

Paul - My Son and I removed several just recently and we didn't use the key stock method. We just lined it up by eye very carefully and drilled.  Drill your hole only about 1-1/2" deep. Just enough to tap the threads for a bolt. If you can get a 5/16" or 3/8" bolt in the key it should come out. Use a Grade 8 bolt if possible. It should work out OK. Just take your time.

Paul Maples <paulmaples at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Larry if you read my last post to Jeff Alan you will note that my greatest 
fear is drilling off center and going through the hub of the flywheel. I 
don't have enough empty keyway to use a piece of center drilled keystock for 
a guide. Also if you will look closely you will note that the tank on the 
end is bent outwards from me using a gib key puller on it so I no longer 
have a nice square perpendicular surface to start trying to drill a straight 



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Larry Anger" 
To: "The SEL email discussion list" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 8:58 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Need Help with 1-1/2 HP Petter

> Paul - I have had success every time by drilling and tapping a hole in the 
> end of the key and using a slide hammer to pull the key. Use as large as 
> possible size bolt to pull with. Use extreme care to get the hole drilled 
> in the center of the key.
> Larry Anger.
> Paul Maples 
> Ok Gang, as usual I am stuck and need the help and wisdom of all of the 
> engine czar's. I am working on my little 1-1/2 HP Petter Apple Top engine, 
> it is 99% complete, runs, but is missing the brass governor shoe that runs 
> in the governor collar. Roland Craven has graciously offered to make one 
> for me but he needs the dimensions of the collar that the shoe runs in. I 
> am was able to get a measurement of the collar on the engine and 
> determined that from the top to the bottom of the collar there was a .015 
> to .020 taper. Roland ask me to remove the collar and have someone true it 
> up and then send him the dimensions.
> I got the starting dog and governor cover (sauce pan) off fairly easy but 
> have been working for a week trying to get the gib key out of the flywheel 
> so I can get to the collar. I have been applying Kroil penetrating oil to 
> it for over a week. I have an original gib key removal tool and have been 
> trying it but I am about to clip off the tang on the gib key by applying 
> so much pressure and it still has not moved. I am about to fire up the 
> blue wrench but hate to put heat on a flywheel hub.
> I am open to any suggestions to get this key out. Here are some pictures 
> of the engine and gib key I am working on.
> http://client.webshots.com/photo/303593896/303593896UaQekG
> Paul
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