[SEL] Insurance.....Star Pickets

peter ogborne jopeter at omninet.net.au
Wed Mar 23 05:14:38 PST 2005

I hate to throw this in but a recent experience involving a claim by an 
exhibitor at a small agricultural show and an accident involving a star 
picket  holding a tent being pulled out of the ground by a strong gust of 
wind, bears thinking about.
Because the star picket was not hammered into the ground in what the 
insurance investigator said  was the correct manner the claim was not met.
The star picket was in the ground with just one of the three sides taking 
the strain ...it should have been reversed with two sides as in a Y shape 
taking the strain ,ie in compression.
Work that one out.
Peter Ogborne
Little Grove ,Albany
West Australia
''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
jopeter at omninet.net.au 

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