[SEL] Eagles have Landed, somewhat OT

Mike Royster mr at carolina.rr.com
Tue Mar 8 20:26:31 PST 2005

Yes, it was a god overall experience with Martha behind bars.  All was going
quite well, and Steve had already mastered toast banzi and lemon doily
making, when suddenly we spotted the "Cat Square Auction Co." flyer on the
back of the prison menu Steve had stolen from the prison latte' bar.  Next
thing you know Steve and Martha are "engaged",  we all get pardoned, Martha
flies us down to Gastonia and it  is "two for one day" at the Holland yard
sale.  Larry Sain was running the auction and he has some more good eye.  He
was taking bids and hollering sold, and heck I never even saw anyone
bidding.  We all got lots of bargains and the good news is, the sale
continues for at least, 8 more days?

  I'd love to tell more about the sale, but darn it Steve needs me to help
him with his seaweed pinky wraps he and Martha are fixing for all the guests
at their nuptials.  Yall stay tuned and lets all wish Curtis and Missy and
fun trip down under.  I'll let you know when the auction proceeds raise
enough to get Devin out of JD Boot Camp.  It is amazing how much trouble
that boy can get into with a tater cannon.

Mike Royster, brother of Steve Royster-Stewart

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <fero_ah at city-net.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Eagles have Landed, somewhat OT

> DAMN!!!!  Those Cloistered Oyster brothers have broken out again!!  They
> have been in the same weak prison as Martha Stewart.
> Shame really that they got wind of this yard sale before it could get
> advertised.  Ah well, at least Curt & Missey got into three figures.
> the "Certified Check" clears...
> See ya,  Arnie
> Quoting Larry Sain <lsain33 at charter.net>:
> > Just wanted to let you know the yard sale went well.  I picked up a nice
> > Abenaque and a Stickney.  I thought $500 each was a fair price.  I was
> > to get the International but a couple of guys who had accents beat me to
> > I think their name was Cloister or Oyster or something like that.  Oil
> > barons I think they were.  Maybe from Texas.  I wonder if Chuck knows
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