[SEL] Tearing up the Books

Jack Watson nadejack at optusnet.com.au
Fri Mar 4 17:51:05 PST 2005

Jack wrote:

> What do you folks think of the growing number of dealers, collectors, 
>etc who are tearing, cutting individual pages or ads out of old books 
>to maximise there $$$$$$ take on ebay??? Here are a few examples> 3 for 
>Galloway, 3878583263,  3879206934,  3879209473, Witte,3878140590  There 
>are usually many more but this is getting disgusting, clipping old 
>original books for greed.
It was put to me many years ago that we do not really "own" our old 
engines, cars, bikes, books etc.

They are merely in our custody for the time being, and it behoves us to 
hand them on to the future custodians in at least as good condition as 
we received them.

If I should choose to modify a machine, say to make a hotrod out of a 
19xx Stutz Bearcat, I am perfectly free to do so, but I should keep the 
original bits for some later poor wretch who will have to undo all my 

Jack in Oz

(P.S. I do not own a Stutz Bearcat!)

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