[SEL] Tearing up the Books, maybe OT, but, pertaining to old iron and such

MaytagTwin at aol.com MaytagTwin at aol.com
Fri Mar 4 15:54:34 PST 2005

Hi cjclem,

My thought is that if I own it, I don't need to ask your permission to 
dispose of it in any way I wish.  You may, of course, be disgusted, but I doubt you 
know enough of my motivation to throw the word "greed" at me with any degree 
of accuracy and I am not even sure of your definition of the term "greed."  
What do you mean?

Here's an example of a situation I'll have to soon face.  I have some bound 
issues of a very early stationary engineer's monthly magazine.  The binding is 
home made, and the magazines are in excellent condition.  The full page ads 
for everything from automobiles to steam engine lubricants are interesting, and, 
I am sure, some are very "collectible" but they mean little to me as most of 
my collecting focus is in a slightly different direction.  One day I mean to 
get rid of all of it.  When I do, should I, a. Toss the stuff in the trash 
since it doesn't interest me?  b.  Offer it up as a collection on eBay, knowing it 
will sell, but not for much.  c.  Remove the binding, select those ads that 
are most likely to sell on eBay, and sell what I can page by page and then 
offer up the remainder as a pile of old stuff.  I am inclined to do method "c." 
and use any gain I make to further my hobby interests.

Entropy is our destiny.  Kicking and screaming may slow it, but never stop it.

Now, about greed.  Just what do you mean?

Ron Carroll
Clearmont, Missouri USA

In a message dated 3/4/2005 4:38:51 PM Central Standard Time, 
cjclem at sysim.net writes:
What do you folks think of the growing number of dealers, collectors, 
etc who are tearing, cutting individual pages or ads out of old books 
to maximise there $$$$$$ take on ebay??? Here are a few examples> 3 for 
Galloway, 3878583263,  3879206934,  3879209473, Witte,3878140590  There 
are usually many more but this is getting disgusting, clipping old 
original books for greed.

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