[SEL] semi- OTgas tank sealer question

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Mon Jun 13 10:19:28 PDT 2005

Joe - understand and appreciate. I've been washing/rinsing. I'm afraid
since rust has started, not sealing it will only allow more rust and scale
to develope and get into the gas.
Not too worried about cost of repair since you can't buy these tanks -
it's for a 1969 Javelin SST (not mine, my brother's)
Looks like condensation got to it.
Tank is off and sitting in my garage. I rinsed it with clear water 3 times
If I find a used tank, I'm probably looking at $200 - $300 for tank plus
shipping. Then I wonder about condition since it will be at least 30 to 35
years old and from a parts car that has sat for how many years. So, it may
not be perfect, but there is some logic perhaps in attempting to salvage a
"know condition tank".
I have considered simply giving it a very good cleaning, using rock, nuts
n bolts, whatever, to swish around in there to break things loose.
At this point, nothing is settled and I'm open to options such as yours!
(besides, Scot will pretty much go along with whatever I tell him to do
with it, he'd spend the money on it)

I'm also of the thought that whatever comes of this, it will be an
education for the next old engine I fix up! (like my Associated water
cooled with the cool gas tank with the raised name, or my herc, or F&J, or
whatever that has a steel tank)


> Hi Bill,
> Concerning Gas Tank Sealer -
> I don't mean to sway business away from Lee.
> Even at 2 qts. you're talking 60$ plus shipping.
> Being that you're going to remove the tank anyway - Why not
> put some aggrigate in it - some solvent and clean it out.
> Rinse it and dry it good and go with that.  No Sealer.
> I don't know what a new tank might cost but I would think you're going to
> spend
> over half the price of a new one just sealing an old one.
> And - more work.
> Just my 2 cents
> Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
> jlb94 at juno.com   - - -     www.oldengine.org/members/betz
>  ,-._,-.         "What I can do,
>  \/)"(\/        together we can do better."   (R.W. Arbes)
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