[SEL] Charity Auction for Tod Engine??

Tod Engine todengine at zoominternet.net
Sun Jun 5 15:54:33 PDT 2005

Who runs the ATIS Chairty Auctions?  I was wondering if it would be possible 
to run a special charity auction to help raise some of the money to move the 
last few pieces of the Tod Engine from the mill.  I estimate it will cost 
about $12,000 for the cranes and hauling, and I am hopeful to obtain a grant 
for a portion of that, but would need to raise the rest.

This is really the last major hurdle to overcome in the restoration of the 
Tod Engine.  We saved the old girl, purchased the land for the museum, moved 
120 tons worth of parts last year and once these last parts, the 48 ton HP 
bedplate, 40 ton LP cylinder, 65 ton crankshaft and 8 ton HP cylinder, are 
moved to our site full scale reassembly of the engine can begin.

I have several items that I could contribute to the chairty auction, and if 
a few other list members could contribute that would be great. The engine is 
related to steelmaking as well and I have several steel industry related 
items that my steel entuisuast friends would bid on as well.

So who runs the chairt auctions and would this be a good enough reason to 
run a special auction?


Rick Rowlands
Executive Director
Tod Engine Heritage Park
William Tod 34" x 68" x 60" Cross Compound Steam Engine
Youngstown, OH
Photo Albums Online: http://community.webshots.com/user/todengine 

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