[SEL] Bird City
Mike Royster
mr at carolina.rr.com
Sun Jul 31 17:57:46 PDT 2005
Great shots!!! Captured the moments pretty good.
Mike Royster
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Allen" <transteck at earthlink.net>
To: <SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Cc: "Oldengine list" <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2005 8:10 PM
Subject: [SEL] Bird City
> Hi all,
> Back from the Bird City show. If you love steam tractors, or even
> tractors, it's a great show. I wish they had more stationary engines
> running and maybe I can help that out in the future. Lot of show and
> tells that never got run this year.
> We got to spend the best part of the day there and it was a hot one. 105
> or better in the shade. The good news was my buddy was there with his
> motor home. Pop in for some AC and a cold barley pop now and then. That
> was a lifesaver for us. Had a great feed for dinner with all you can eat
> barbecue. Also had some watermelon mid afternoon that someone was giving
> away. Hate to say it, but it was better than beer at the time. Only had
> four chunks myself. GREAT!
> Short one got to drive a steam tractor again, and that is a highlight.
> He's a little taller in the saddle now, so he got to sit in the seat.
> Pretty good head of steam and he got a workout.
> We got to stay for most of the tractor pull this year. This one like
> many, uses people for weight, and they have to be 16 or older. They do
> one pull that the short ones can ride the sled, and it was great. Think
> the grand total was 50 on the sled.
> The tractor parade was great and my buddy and I both saw tractors we had
> never even heard of. He is a big FATG and that came as a surprise to me.
> There was some pretty rare iron there.
> We headed for the motel shortly before the end of the pull. Drank some
> cold ones and shot the s**t with the guy in the next room for a couple
> hours on the patio. Nice way to end the day. Worn out after the drive
> back and still had to attend an invite this afternoon. Got that done and
> ready for some soap, water, chow, and sleep.
> I took 172 pictures and will sort them out later and put em up for all.
> Here are a few of my favorites.
> http://oldirongallery.com/BC.html
> Always great to be back home.
> Jeff Allen
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