[SEL] RE: Paint and primer

Andy Glines andyglines at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 15 06:04:58 PDT 2005

>Message: 17
>Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 15:06:08 +0000
>From: mullt at att.net
>Subject: Re: [SEL] RE: Paint and primer
>To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>

>I have heard that clear shellac can be used as an inexpensive sealer before 
>painting. Any body had any experience with that?

That depends on the kind of paint that you will be putting on top of it.  
The PPG Delstar that I use would probably lift if applied over a shellac.  I 
suspect that the popular Dupont Imron will have the same problem.  Just 
follow the directions that come with the paint.  Makers like Dupont and PPG 
have very thorough instructions that tell you what you can & can't paint 
over.  In general, the more expensive the paint the more particular it is 
about the surface it will be applied to.  You do not have to use very 
expensive epoxy primers to get good results for your top coat.  I typically 
use a rather generic lower cost gray primer on my stuff.  Available a 
automotive paint and supply stores.  I also use the cheap lacquer thinner 
for the primer and for clean up.

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