[SEL] First forklift attempt
Judge Tommy Turner
lcjudge at scrtc.com
Tue Jul 5 08:07:15 PDT 2005
We've all had some "special moments" while getting the old iron or
things associated with it. Thank goodness your's was one with a happy
Tommy Turner
Magnolia, KY
>> Hi all
>> This is the story of Sunday's attempt to retrieve the forklift from
>> Tehachapi CA. Delete now in you are not interested.
>> I left home about 8:30 AM. topped off with Diesel, went about three
>> blocks and stopped for a left turn. I should tell you I drive a '94
>> Dodge Diesel 4x4. The light turns green, I run through second gear, go
>> into third and the engine spins freely, try fourth and nothing. A
>> string
>> of cars behind me is backing up and to my right is another line also
>> making the lift turn. I put it in four wheel drive and made it over to
>> the right shoulder.
>> I get out and expect to see the rear drive shaft on the ground, but
>> there
>> was no sound. The first thing I notice is the left rear tire is
>> sticking
>> out about a foot more than it should, and gear oil is dripping on the
>> ground. The nut holding the bearings on the spindle had backed off, the
>> tire,hub, brake drum, and axle had all come out of the housing. I
>> jacked
>> it up and pushed it part way back in, but the brake shoes wouldn't go
>> back in the drum.
>> For a minute I considered fixing it there, but the steady stream of cars
>> and trucks whizzing by made me reconsider. I called my friendly tow
>> company to haul the truck and another friend to get the trailer.
>> Back at home after much cleaning I found that the small metal clip that
>> is driven into the plastic insert of the retaining nut had come loose
>> and
>> was laying pulverized in the hub. A new set of brake shoes, axle seal,
>> three hours cleaning and chasing parts and I was back on the road.
>> Not exactly what I had planned, but it could have been a lot worse.
>> Like
>> breaking down 150 miles from home instead of 2. Or having the wheel
>> come
>> off on a curve at speed with the forklift on the trailer.
>> Ron Haskell
>> rdhaskell at juno.com
>> Riverside, California
>> USA
>> http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumList?u=3009370&f=0
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