[SEL] patent search

Germoamer at aol.com Germoamer at aol.com
Fri Jan 21 05:04:52 PST 2005

In a message dated 1/20/2005 8:01:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
fero_ah at city-net.com writes:

<<All they would need to do is to download and save the first text page of
each patent.  Then use OCR software (like the one that comes with a
scanner) to convert that page to searchable text.  Then they put all of
that info into one big file that we could search. Clearly winter is a slack 
time for them. Easy peasy.  Do we have a volunteer? >>


Me thinks the winter "doldrums" are definitely setting in on some of us!

Tom Schmutz
Concord, Va. USA
Germoamer at aol.com

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