[SEL] Prioritizing Your Projects

Prepair Ltd prepair at easynet.co.uk
Thu Jan 20 02:03:17 PST 2005

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 21:30:19 EST, you wrote:

>I find that I am having trouble establishing priorities on projects  that I 
>get started and then for some reason before finishing the project I get  
>started on another one.


> Now, 
>I am in the process of building a roll away table for this new  tool addition.
>Am I the only one who has these types of interference or this to be  expected 
>when working with old iron.
>Francis Maciel
>Santa Maria, CA 

Sounds pretty much like most of us :-))

(Time to go to bed isn't it?)

Peter A Forbes
Prepair Ltd, Luton, UK
prepair at easynet.co.uk

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