[SEL] Magneto Lucas Sr1

Brian Taylor brianne at ultratune.com.au
Mon Jan 10 20:36:34 PST 2005

Hi Guys
This query is related to the railway people mover I mentioned last week.
The Wisconsin engine is a AENLD, not as I first thought ABNLD.
Good news, engine is not seized.
Bad news, pulley drive assembly probably incorporating some kind of centrifugal clutch is seized.

I am a bit perplexed about the magneto (Lucas SR1) on the Wisconsin engine we are restoring.
It would appear that the SR1 is a self contained high tension magneto, not requiring external power.
The high tension wire from the mag was connected to the spark plug.
The black low tension wire from within the mag was tucked away down one side internally and not connected at all.(Did this used to be connected to points?)
The low tension wire connected to the points appears to have been extended and was connected to one side of an automotive type coil. There was no wire to the other side of the coil and neither was there an HT lead from coil tower.
My suspicion is that the mag low tension side was defective and that the low tension power to the points was supplied via the ign coil. Other wires may have been removed at some stage.
Does anyone have a description of the Lucas SR1 mag operating principles at all?
Any help appreciated
Brian Taylor
Hervey Bay Historical Museum
13 Zephyr St..Scarness
Web Site: http://herveybaymuseum.museum.com/welcome.html

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