[SEL] duh! OT!

Rupert Wenig rwenig at telus.net
Mon Feb 21 19:09:18 PST 2005

Hello Tommy,
	I totally agree that Ted know his engine stuff from what I've gleaned 
off this list. He let it out in a recent message that he knows pattern 
making too so I hope he will share that knowledge with the group as 
well.  I sure hope I didn't sound like I was knocking him down as I 
meant my message to be praise.
	I have a good mentor for foundry stuff living an hour away from me so I 
consider myself lucky. His advice was free so I try to pass on what I 
have learned from him for the same price. He has helped me plenty 
ironing out and correcting mistakes that would have given more gray hair 
than I care to mention.
	Their advice and guidance is priceless and I still have a lot to learn.


Judge Tommy Turner wrote:

> Rupert,
>    I've been around the old iron for about 3/4 of my life.  I bought my 
> first engine (and still have it) at the age of 12.  I've got to know a 
> lot of engine guys through the years and I would say Ted is one of the 
> more talented of the lot.  I'm not telling most of you anything you 
> don't already know.  Ted knows his stuff and we have all gained from the 
> knowledge and info he has shared with us over the last few years on the 
> SEL.   If he wants to share anything new, it would certainly be welcomed 
> by me.  If not, I sincerely thank him for the knowledge he has already 
> made available.
> Tommy Turner
> Magnolia, Ky
> Rupert Wenig wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>>     Ted seems to be the one with the most pattern making experience in 
>> the group. I think we should be prompting him to show use how to make 
>> patterns for any parts that are not available from any other source. 
>> How about it Ted? :-)
>> Rupert
>> Ron Frost, Kersey, PA wrote:
>>> That's great ted would be nice if we were all as old as you and as 
>>> smart.
>>> Ron
>>> Curt <curt at imc-group.com> wrote:
>>> That nice Ted, real nice.... I'm happy that you started making 
>>> patterns 30 years ago. The result of that is one of the most 
>>> comprehensive records of ignitors in the world. I have made a 
>>> complete copy of your ignitor photos because it is such a fine 
>>> reference. You have posted that work on the internet for all to see 
>>> and occasionally report that you make updates.
>>> I was under the impression that the SEL was a forum in which we all 
>>> could post show pictures and reports, auction results, ask questions 
>>> about our engines, and tell a little bit about what we are doing. 
>>> Some of us younger fellows (42 here) are where you were 20 years ago 
>>> perhaps. Good energy levels, good enthusiasm, and a strong 
>>> willingness to share with others what we are working on at the 
>>> moment. There is probably as much work in documenting and web page 
>>> writing for such work as there is in the work itself.
>>> Frankly there has been little on topic discussion on the list lately 
>>> and I was hoping to get some discussion, any discussion, about 
>>> engines going. Your tirade will likely kill what little discussion 
>>> was getting started. (But I sure hope not)
>>> There will be two more posts on pattern making from me. One tomorrow 
>>> and one on Wednesday. That will conclude my contribution for the 
>>> moment on Stickney patterns. If those post don't meet with your 
>>> approval I encourage the use of your delete key.
>>> Regards,
>>> Curt Holland
>>> Gastonia, NC
>>> Ted Brookover wrote:
>>>> I've got news for you Peter and all the rest of you as well, I made 
>>>> my first pattern 30 years ago and needed no one to hold my hand and 
>>>> show the way. I willnow be gone and say no more.
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>>> Kersey, PA
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