[SEL] Patterns #3

Rupert Wenig rwenig at telus.net
Mon Feb 21 16:43:39 PST 2005

Hello Curt,
	Thanks for the links. Proper lettering is difficult to find in this are 
so they will be a big help.
	There are some pictures on my site at 
<http://www.cable-lynx.net/~rwenig1/index.html>. Look under projects. I 
can post a few more if your interested. but, I must warn you, any of the 
engine pictures are for miniatures. :-)
	The double sided tape I have on hand measures about 0.005". The name on 
the package is Carpet Tape. I think the double sided scotch tape is a 
bit thicker but I don't have any to check.

Curt wrote:
> Rupert,
> The letters are from Freemen Supply and this is the style used:
> http://www.freemansupply.com/SharpFaceGothicWhi.htm
> They have several styles that can be seen here:
> http://www.freemansupply.com/choose/patternletters.htm
> Could you post pictures some of the patterns you have made?
> What is the thickness of the double sided tape you are using?
> Curt

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