[SEL] duh! OT!

Ron Frost, Kersey, PA ron217_2000 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 21 15:16:49 PST 2005

That's great ted would be nice if we were all as old as you and as smart.

Curt <curt at imc-group.com> wrote:
That nice Ted, real nice.... I'm happy that you started making patterns 
30 years ago. The result of that is one of the most comprehensive 
records of ignitors in the world. I have made a complete copy of your 
ignitor photos because it is such a fine reference. You have posted that 
work on the internet for all to see and occasionally report that you 
make updates.

I was under the impression that the SEL was a forum in which we all 
could post show pictures and reports, auction results, ask questions 
about our engines, and tell a little bit about what we are doing. Some 
of us younger fellows (42 here) are where you were 20 years ago perhaps. 
Good energy levels, good enthusiasm, and a strong willingness to share 
with others what we are working on at the moment. There is probably as 
much work in documenting and web page writing for such work as there is 
in the work itself.
Frankly there has been little on topic discussion on the list lately and 
I was hoping to get some discussion, any discussion, about engines 
going. Your tirade will likely kill what little discussion was getting 
started. (But I sure hope not)
There will be two more posts on pattern making from me. One tomorrow and 
one on Wednesday. That will conclude my contribution for the moment on 
Stickney patterns. If those post don't meet with your approval I 
encourage the use of your delete key.
Curt Holland
Gastonia, NC

Ted Brookover wrote:

> I've got news for you Peter and all the rest of you as well, I made my 
> first pattern 30 years ago and needed no one to hold my hand and show 
> the way. I willnow be gone and say no more.

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SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

Ron Frost
Kersey, PA


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