[SEL] Pattern #2

Rupert Wenig rwenig at telus.net
Mon Feb 21 10:26:30 PST 2005

Hello Curt,
	The lumber yards in larger centers (such as Edmonton) stock the 1/2
rounds in various sizes usually in increments from 1/4" going up by
1/8". I don't recall what the largest size they carry was. Check the
centers that specialize in finishing lumber more so than centers that
cater to construction building supplies. Unfortunately, the local stores
where I live don't carry half round either so I either have to go to the
big city or make my own.
	I see from your sizes that size may be a problem so what I do if I need
a special size is to use double sided tape to hold two pieces of stock
together before turning to a round or to shape using the tape line as a
center line. Parting at the tape line will give two equal but opposite
halves. An alternative is to glue a piece of paper between the two
boards instead of using the double sided tape. Either method works
equally well.
	I use this method for many of my patterns I make specially when I make
patterns for wheels, pulleys or sprockets as the tape line becomes the
parting line for the pattern. I big advantage to using the tape or a
paper sandwiched between (as I see it) is only one pattern needs to be
made to get the two halves. Also, I use the tape line as a reference
line when I make patterns so the parting line is always the tape line.
	You probably know this but I suggest to made the stock a bit long and 
use a safety clamp to help the tape hold the two pieces together at the 
ends if you only have a pointy center for your tail stock.


Curt wrote:

> Rupert,
> I've never seen these 1/2 round shapes you speak of. Sounds like they 
> could sure save a lot of work! Where do you find these?
> The three diameters on this small part are .884, .808, and 1.051. They 
> are odd numbers but they account for shrinkage so that when cooled come 
> back to standard British dimensions. I imagine the 1/2 rounds could be 
> cut long and spot glued at the ends, turned to the needed diameter, and 
> the glued area cut off to give perfect halves.
> Are these 1/2 rounds available in much larger diameters, such as 2 or 3" 
> diameter?
> Curt Holland
> Gastonia, NC
> Rupert Wenig wrote:
>> Hello Curt,
>>     Nice pages but I'm curious about one thing. Is there any reason 
>> why you used whole dowels instead of ready made 1/2 round shapes to 
>> make the pattern? Course, maybe you didn't have the 1/2 rounds on 
>> hand. :-)
>> Rupert
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