[SEL] New Iron Find

Rupert Wenig rwenig at telus.net
Sun Feb 13 09:46:51 PST 2005

Thanks John. Francis sent a picture of a 7hp. My curiosity was stemmed 
by the fact I have a 1 1/2 HP Z with spoke flywheels. My memory might be 
failing but I don't recall seeing a picture of one anywhere. Serial # 
stamped into the engine I have is C26522. I can see similarities but the 
engines are different.


John Culp wrote:

> I  probably have one somewhere online. I'll have to hunt for it.
> They weren't referred to by horsepower, but by displacement. Mine's a 52 
> cubic inch, the smallest ZC. They didn't refer to "Z, Type C" or "ZC" 
> anywhere on the engine, either. It's just a Fairbanks-Morse Type Z 
> (great big capital Z), 52 cubic inches, 800 RPM. It has a cast ratchet 
> for a speed adjustment lever on the crankcase cover, but none was 
> installed on mine, which was an oilfield engine with the steam condenser 
> and cooling fan over the hopper, and ran on gas from the well with a 
> valve screwed directly into the end of the carburetor under the choke 
> plate. Mine's converted back to being a gasoline/kerosene engine with a 
> starting fuel bowl and jet and a main running jet with a fuel tank under 
> the base.
> John
> On Feb 12, 2005, at 11:51 PM, Rupert Wenig wrote:
>> Hello John, Francis,
>>     Do one of you have a picture of the Fairbanks Morse Type Z, Style 
>> C, 2½ HP you could post somewhere or send me? Thanks in advance.
>> Rupert
> John Culp
> Bristol, Tennessee, USA
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