[SEL] OT (Maybe) - Home Workshops & Equipment

Tod Engine todengine at zoominternet.net
Sat Feb 12 06:17:00 PST 2005

At the Tod Engine restoration shop we have a Hendey 16" swing by 8' bed 
lathe, circa 1912, Shumaker & Boye 24" swing x 16' bed lathe, circa 1908, 
28" Cincinnati drill press circa 1910 and a Cincinnati Bickford radial drill 
press circa 1920.  None are operational as of yet and all were flat belt 
driven at one time.  A friend has an Enco Mill Drill and a business 
associate has a Rong Fu mill drill, neither of which is set up either. we 
also have an elcheapo metalcutting band saw. One of the projects for this 
year is to put these machines to productive use.

At the Tod Engine Works foundry we have a 9" bore cupola furnace and this 
coming week I will be building a 13" bore brass/aluminum crucible furnace. 
At the foundry that I do contract work for is an assortment of other 
equipment that I can use, most notably is a recently acquired Wheelabrator 
tumbleblast machine.  This machine can take any piece of metal with 
unlimited amounts of rust, scale, paint etc. and turn it a bright silvery 
color in 5 minutes removing everything but the base metal.

On my list of things to acquire include a better quality bandsaw, a good 
welder, and woodworking tools so that I can start making patterns.

Our rubber tired shop equipment list includes an Allis Chalmers front end 
loader and a Coles truck crane (basketcase).  Both are recent acquisitions 
and await movement to the heritage park and restoration shop respectively.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Prepair Ltd" <prepair at easynet.co.uk>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Cc: <stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 12, 2005 8:11 AM
Subject: [SEL] OT (Maybe) - Home Workshops & Equipment

> As we seem to be a little quiet on engine-related subjects of late, a
> couple of items crossed my mind while driving down to see a machinery
> dealer this morning at 7am :-((
> 1) How many guys and gals on the list have 'machinery' at home or a
> home workshop with machine tools such as a lathe etc?
> 2) How often does that machinery get used, and is it only used on
> engine stuff or other hobby/home/work jobs as well?
> We have been building up a workshop facility at home for the last
> couple of years, and have almost reached the overflow point for space,
> so we are refining what we have in the way of machines and looking to
> get rid of some duplicates or machines that have a function that we
> can use another one for.
> Although the '7-day weekend' is not quite upon us, it makes sense to
> build this up now while we have the trade contacts and income, for it
> sure as hell won't be there once we have retired!
> Peter
> --
> Peter A Forbes
> Prepair Ltd, Luton, UK
> prepair at easynet.co.uk
> http://www.prepair.co.uk
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