[SEL] Re: Indoor Engine Shows/New Years crank up & Cabin Fever

Jerry Evans jerrye at databak.co.za
Fri Dec 23 10:48:24 PST 2005

At 12:00 PM 23/12/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>From: Arnie Fero <fero_ah at city-net.com>
>Subject: [SEL] Re: Indoor Engine Shows
>To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Hi Tom,
>Then there's the SEL New Year's Eve World-Wide Crank-Up.  The idea is to
>bring in the New Year by running engines; first in Austraila, then Europe,
>then the east coast, finishing up in Kalifornia.  LOTS of fun!!
>See ya,  Arnie

Hi Arnie,
         I'm disappointed that we are evidently excluded from the New Years 
"crank up".
Is this because we used to have "apartheid" or is there a more sinister 
         Africa is that big piece of green (or is it black?) land between 
Australia and the Americas if you are travelling with the sun. You must 
remember it - it's the place where those heavy boomerangs were first 
invented !!
         Just for spite I think I'm going to go out and find myself a 
Maytag and run that - then when the smoke reaches you I hope it makes your 
beer taste funny.
         (For those of you suffering from Cabin Fever I'm writing this with 
a big grin on my face.)

         On the subject of "Cabin Fever" - what is it ? I first thought 
that it was something caused by being cooped up indoors because of the snow 
(snowbound) that caused normally sane and civil people to get "cranky" and 
write nasty eMails to lists but now realise that I must be wrong because I 
see from the List that some of the Aussies also seem to have it and there 
is definitely no snow down there at the moment. (another grin).

Best wishes to all of you over the season of goodwill (even those with 
"Cabin Fever")

Keep the revs up (or down)
AND REMEMBER ------ <snip><snip><snip><snip><snip><snip>
Jerry Evans
Near Johannesburg in Sunny South Africa.
Tel. (016) 365-5787 or 083 283 7191
Visit our website for old engines in South Africa.

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