[SEL] ATIS Christmas Charity Auction?

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 19 05:42:53 PST 2005

To the SEL people....
 As some of you are aware  from various postings in the recent past, I am in the process of re  mediating and (generally) cleaning up a 77 acre parcel which will be  put on the market in the next few months.  Among the "relics" that  came to my attention were the McCormick-Deering 10-20 and the IHC  engine.
 The 10-20 has been sold to a fine fellow in my area who  intends to begin restoration.  He has the time, tools, and (most  importantly) the know-how to accomplish this.  Note that I possess  none of the three above-mentioned qualities.  I am, however, a  believer in preservation of such items and I am pleased that, rather  than going to the scrap heap, the tractor will again "see life" though  virtue of this gentleman's skilled eyes and hands.
 Now, this leaves  the engine in which the tractor restoration fellow had no  interest.  Is there anyone in the Rochester, New York area would  be inclined to affect a restoration on this old soldier?  Know,  too, that there are other implements strew about the landscape on this  property that just might be of interest (threshers, buzz saws, belts,  plows, planters, etc.)
 If anyone out there is close enough and is  at all interested in this "opportunity" (I use that term loosely, here)  please let me know via return email.
 Please do not view this  message as being one of "commerce".  I am most assuredly NOT in  the "old iron" business.  Rather, please think of this concept as  being more along the lines "preservation".
  Jim Moran

fero_ah at city-net.com wrote:  Hi Folks,

Did I miss it?  Has Christmas (and the ATIS Charity Auction) been cancelled by
the ACLU or taken over by the Hillary in 2008 fund raising campaign?  Or did
the FATGs get tired of having their butt whomped by the SEL folks so they put
the stop to it?

Talk to us Spencer...

See ya,  Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA USA
fero_ah at city-net.com

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