[SEL] Fw: re Help

Alan Bowen rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 8 14:33:11 PST 2005

Hi Helen,
  I like that.
  I have found the best way to return a defective product to a store is to tell them the problem and what I expect them to do about it very politely.
  If that doesn't work then ask for the next person up the ladder and say it again only much louder.  This works best mid-morning on Saturday.  The more shoppers around the better.
  It almost seems unfair that stores are so quick to accept my terms lately. 8>))
  Alan Bowen

Jim French <fbi at insulate.co.uk> wrote:
  Hi Paul

I had an English teacher who taught us that when complaining, start off 
polite. If that fails, give 'em both barrels!!!!!


PS I'm hoping that ??? got the message and won't require further treatment!

Paul Maples wrote:

> Bravo!, Bravo! Dolly, well said, your parents did not waste their 
> money sending you to college. I totally agree with you and with Reg on 
> this issue.

Jim French
fbi at insulate.co.uk

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