[SEL] North Centra Iowa, USA Auction in September
Larry Evans
lfevans at pacbell.net
Tue Aug 9 10:59:36 PDT 2005
This is probably the one you are looking for. Info was posted on Jim's
list in July.
>Hi all
>Is anyone going to this auction
>Hampton, Iowa, September 17, 2005
>If so could you please find out who buys the R&V Easy Cooler engine
>#BS7208 and pass on their details to me.
>Peter Lowe
>International R&V Registrar
At 07:32 AM 8/9/2005, you wrote:
>There was a post a while back about a good auction in N Central Iowa in
>September. Might have been in the context of an R&V on the sale bill.
>Anybody got the link to the sale bill yet?
>Bill Brueck (brick)
>Chatfield, MN, USA
>Confusion is a higher state of knowledge than ignorance.
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com
Larry Evans
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