[SEL] Re: SEL Digest, Vol 17, Issue 8

David Nicolson dnicolson40 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 8 22:00:43 PDT 2005

Gidday all, i agree entirely something has to be done about these so called 
guide lines[RULES] as in the last 12 years that i have been involved in this 
hobbie[obsession] the atmosphere at every rally i attend is no where near 
what it was when i first started.I have only heard of a couple of small 
claims made against the insurance body in this country. Dave in oz

>From: Jeff Allen <transteck at earthlink.net>
>Reply-To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>To: The SEL email discussion list <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
>Subject: Re: [SEL] Re: SEL Digest, Vol 17, Issue 8
>Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 21:23:15 -0600
>Hi Adam,
>>Simply put the Policy is a Risk Managment policy yes you can run with out 
>>fences and drive trators all over the place... but if something did happen 
>>the following would occur.
>>1. The policy would be totally with drawn 2. The policy as you mentioned 
>>would increase in cost 3. The terns of the policy would change
>>It is possible that the same would happen if an accident occured following 
>>the guidelines to the letter, no one is denying that.
>The show was the 52nd annual show and they have a good safety record. Young 
>teens drive in the tractor pull and the tractor parade. Always with 
>supervision and training. Hell, some of them probably run the damn tractor 
>for real on the farm. They respect the equipment and have been trained to 
>be safe around it. More often than not the adults get stupid on a farm and 
>get hurt.
>I have kept cattle in lesser fencing than you have for an engine show. It's 
>insane. I watched the tug of war with the steam tractor and the children. 
>They lost three times and all fell down. No harm except for a skinned knee 
>or two. Right back up to give it another go. "Papa, we finally won" and 
>that's what it's all about. Family friendly, kid friendly, and people 
>friendly should be the goal.
>Don't fence me in!!
>Kind Regards,
>Jeff Allen
>P.S. Think more like Reg.
>SEL mailing list
>SEL at lists.stationary-engine.com

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