[SEL] 5HP Economy F
Alan Bowen
rustaholic777 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 1 18:04:09 PDT 2005
Hi DeWayne,
I was wondering about that serial number.
Are you VERY sure that is an F?
I have seen several Hercules engine that the owners truly believed they were F models, but
actually they were a bad stamp and really were E models.
I have a 1918 1 1/2HP Hercules E that is stamped poorly and looks like an F. The serial number,
mag and the slant of the main bearing caps say it IS an E.
Are there still springs or posts to mount springs on the Webster? Were the springs on the engine
side or on the outside of the mag? My wife's Step-father has a 1921 1 1/2HP Hercules F that
really IS an F. It has the later Webster with the springs on the engine side.
Alan Bowen
Williamsburg, Michigan
--- Germoamer at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 8/1/2005 2:59:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> ihcboggs at jayco.net writes:
> << We just came across a Economy 5hp F engine. The serial number is 186469.
> >>
> According to "History of Hercules Engines" your engine was made between 1921
> and 1923 for the F models, but by the serial number it is 1919. Perhaps Glenn
> can shed some light on this difference, It is estimated that only 20,000 were
> made for the F model. Used a Webster mag and I think are nice running
> engines. I have a 7E that I tow to the shows right now.
> Tom Schmutz
> Concord, Va. USA
> Germoamer at aol.com
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