[SEL] Caution Using Ether OT

William Olson weolson at wiktel.com
Sat Apr 23 21:34:53 PDT 2005

I have a 7.3 Powerstroke Diesel in my Ford up here in Northern Minnesota 
and it starts fine in the cold, -30 to -40 degree temps in the winter 
under the following conditions:  The fuel up here is a blend of number 1 
and number 2 diesel in the winter. Or some places you can buy straight 
#1.  Number 2 will gel up in the cold weather, but it is used in the 
summer months.  I also have a engine block heater which is plugged in 
for several hours prior to starting.  I also let it warm up for 10 
minutes in the morning before putting it under load on the road.  Power 
Service makes a diesel additive which will keep #2 diesel from gelling 
up in the cold weather, as well as another additive to keep the 
injectors clean and help to lessen the gel problem.
William Olson

John Culp wrote:

> Isn't any "Premium Diesel" sold around here.
> John
> On Apr 23, 2005, at 8:00 PM, Alan Bowen wrote:
>> Hey John,
>> That is what Premiun Diesel is for.
>> Run it in the cold weather.
>> I have been told there is something in the Premiun Diesel that keeps 
>> it from getting so stiff in
>> the cold.
> John Culp
> Bristol, Tennessee, USA
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