[SEL] PATENTS - New Online Resource - YOUR help is needed

Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Thu Apr 21 05:19:06 PDT 2005

Rob, here are 6 numbers off the Gal tag which don't appear on your list.







Now does it help for me to look them up and forward to you, or what?

Glad to help


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Skinner" <rskinner at rustyiron.com>
To: "'The SEL email discussion list'" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>; 
<stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 20, 2005 6:52 PM
Subject: [SEL] PATENTS - New Online Resource - YOUR help is needed

> As a result of the recent discussion started by Jeff Allen, several folks
> decided that the engine community needs a searchable index of engine 
> patents.
> It was decided to create a web page where you could search for an 
> inventor, a
> device, a manufacturer or a patent date.
> Gone will be the days of searching patents one at a time, for hours on 
> end, just
> to find one patent.  Yes, it's a lofty goal and the list may not be 
> complete in
> our lifetimes, but someone has to start sometime.  Now is the time.
> We started yesterday and have the basic layout finished.  You can visit 
> the web
> page here:
> http://patents.rustyiron.com or 
> http://www.rustyiron.com/patents/index.html
> Please check it out.  At the bottom are our goals and the steps we will 
> take to
> achieve them.  Notice that we are currently using Hiscox's book so we can
> quickly make a large number of patents available.  This is the book that 
> Jeff is
> currently scanning.
> Hiscox has twenty seven pages of patent numbers, two columns per page, 
> about
> forty numbers per column.  That's a LOT of patents for a couple folks to 
> search.
> I estimate that it takes about an hour and a half to compile data for one
> column.  If we can get about 50 volunteers willing to spend an hour or two
> looking at old engine patents, we can complete this phase rather quickly.
> The data that we need from each of the engine patents is:
> Patent Number
> Inventor
> Invention
> Manufacturer (if known)
> Date patent was issued
> If you'd like to help in the creation of this resource, we would certainly
> appreciate the assistance.  First, make sure you can view patents online 
> by
> browsing our web page a little bit.  If you decide that you'd like to 
> assist,
> please email me directly at mailto:rskinner at rustyiron.com   Let me know 
> whether
> you want one or two columns worth of numbers to research.
> Thanks.
> =-=-=-=-=-=
> Rob Skinner
> La Habra, California
> mailto:rskinner at rustyiron.com
> http://www.rustyiron.com
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