[SEL] Shed Invasions
Mark Kennedy
flywheel at netconnect.com.au
Thu Apr 21 04:31:33 PDT 2005
My father tried that once with roaming dogs messing with our tin rubbish bins.
Only problem was, he had to test it to make sure it was working... enough
said as to what resulted!
No wonder any of his cattle horses were fence shy - too used to being
backed in to see if the fence was alive.
Ah, rural life. Us city slickers in the modern age miss out on so much!
At 09:50 PM 4/19/2005 +1000, Paul Pavlinovich wrote:
>People who listen closely to my sheds when it is quiet will here the 'tick
>'tick 'tick of the electric fence generator :)... picked up a bull proof
>electric fence generator at a clearing sale for $10 - may as well use it
>for something.
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