[SEL] Famous/Osborn questions

Harry Terpstra h.terpstra at wxs.nl
Sat Apr 9 13:01:22 PDT 2005

So now I know for sure thats not true.
I learned something today John;-)

I know the difference between the Nonpareil and the Famous engines.
I had both the 3hp Famous and the 4hp Nonpareil. The 4hp NP has the same
bore x stroke as the 3hp famous.
However the flywheels are much bigger  ( I think 33" compared to 26½" for
the Famous)
Also almost all castings are diffrent, it hardly seems a way of saving money
building a "cheap" engine.

> Your engine is fitted with a Bosch oscillating magneto, they
> were first fitted in 1913 for the verticals on demand.
I wonder why IHC had so many diffrent styles magneto options for the
verticals. Does it make more expensive IMO.
The Bosch however is a GREAT magneto!! And all the monkey motion makes it
very interesting to look at when running;-)

> What I understand from Mike he was talking about an Osborne
> engine tag.
I'm very curious to see the Osborne tag Mike!!

Harry Terpstra
Sint Annaparochie
h.terpstra at wxs.nl

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hammink" <jg.hammink at quicknet.nl>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 09, 2005 1:42 AM
Subject: Re: [SEL] Famous/Osborn questions

> Harry, they never built stationary engines in Germany.
> Only in 1937 they started to built the engines for the first
> F12-G tractors.
> The Nonpareil type engine was basically the same as the
> Famous-Titan series, but was built somewhat lighter.
> Compare of the shipping weight of the two types and it is
> easely seen. These engines were most likely built to compete
> with cheaper engines being built by many other companies.
> Your engine is fitted with a Bosch oscillating magneto, they
> were first fitted in 1913 for the verticals on demand.
> The 4 and 5 hp Nonpareil engines were built from 1909 to
> 1916. The 5 hp only for the foreign market. They were sold
> by McCormick and Osborne dealers.
> What I understand from Mike he was talking about an Osborne
> engine tag.
> After all those years there're and always will be questions.
> John Hammink
> Anna Paulowna, Netherlands.
> jg.hammink at quicknet.nl
> www.oldengine.org/members/hammink/web

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