[SEL] Monitor

Best, George George_Best at adp.com
Thu Apr 7 14:55:24 PDT 2005


> -----Original Message-----

> Here is the link of the drawing I made of the needle valve. I 
> made this drawing a year or more ago and can't recall if this 
> documents the original needle valve or the way I actually 
> made it. You can compare it to the one you have and see. 
> Maybe you can experiment with an even narrower taper to allow 
> an even finer adjustment.
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/holland/images/Needlevalve.bmp
> Curt Holland


I'm impressed!  You're the only guy I know that makes such detailed
drawing of engine parts.  But then I guess that since you do it as part
of your job that you can do it on the computer as quickly as the rest of
us could draw it with paper and pencil.

Course most people would just chuck it up in the lathe and make a new
point without doing any drawings.


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