[SEL] Private shows

Best, George George_Best at adp.com
Thu Apr 7 11:56:34 PDT 2005

 I received the following in an "offlist" message:
That's the beauty of having a bunch of autonomous clubs, rather than one
national organization.  If one group pisses you off, you can go to

WAPA safety rules require one rope, but a couple years ago I suggested
two, so that's what we do when it's feasible.  I think that's the best
way to go.
There's only one show where I don't use ropes, but it's a private show
in a guy's yard and the public is not invited.  

I suppose if all the clubs piss you off, you can make a WAIT club.
Betcha all you'd have to do is give a couple months notice and folks
would come from all over to attend your show! 

I wonder how many "private" shows there are?  Also wonder if that will
be done more and more in the future as the insurance companies and
lawyers make it more difficult for clubs to have shows where the public
is welcome.

What do you think about private shows?

I've got several comments on this, but will wait to see if anyone is
interested in this topic.


PS -  Rob, I'm not mad at any of the clubs. Most of us are in the hobby
because it is something we enjoy doing.  If things change so you no
longer enjoy a certain aspect of the hobby, there are plenty of other
options available without getting mad.

PSS -  No WAIT club.  I got out of EDGETA politics and have no interest
in getting involved in club operations and politics.  Besides I really
don't have the time even if I wanted to.

PSSS - I could see having a private show.  I've got the room to put on a
private one and also have neighbors that wouldn't complain.  However,
not likely to happen.

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