[SEL] Parking lot shows

Dave Croft dave.croft at ntlworld.com
Mon Apr 4 02:40:09 PDT 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Best, George" <George_Best at adp.com>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 10:33 PM
Subject: RE: [SEL] Parking lot shows

> > Well, since it is engine related I will tell you my 
> > experience.  I have been going to "car cruise-ins" for many 
> > years now.  These are usually held on some parking lot and 
> > one of the largest I go to is at the local mall parking lot.  
> > It is held the third Saturday of every warm month starting at 
> > 5pm lasting till 10pm or later. I have an absolutely great 
> > time as most there have never seen a one lunger.  All the 
> > $10,000 paint job antique autos sit there doing nothing, 
> > meanwhile the old engines are making noise and smoke.  Guess 
> > who has the largest crowd gathered around asking questions???
> > Millie has to drag me to the truck to get home at a reasonable time.
> > Tom Schmutz
> Tom,
> Have you gotten any engine leads from these shows?
> George

Hi George, My home commitments nowadays keep me from being as active as I was 
but about 15 years ago I made a point of always showing at a particular event held in a 
large public park in a town with no local vintage shows.
This show was held by all the local charity organisations as a fund raising event with no 
entry charges to the public. We were allowed to show to attract a few more public.
Every single year I showed there I obtained goodies from people who had never been 
before to an engine show.
I was given 2 chaff cutters & a consolidated cake breaker 
Like http://oldenginehouse.users.btopenworld.com/cakemill.htm
I bought from a farmer an International 3HP O/C. 
>From a model Engineer I bought a Royce 1890 Dynamo with marked 
ammeter (Before he joined Rolls). 
I also bought all 4 of  Wendel's Agricultural books at very low prices.
>From this you will see why I highly recommend parking lot shows etc.
Dave Croft

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