[SEL] Fooled again

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 3 15:02:30 PDT 2005

Hi Dave,

<snip> It's really those inane comments that were being objected to, not 
your original post.

You are 100% correct. I have no objection to OT questions. If I can help 
I usually do it off list. Now and then I do it on list if I think it may 
be of interest to others.

Jeff Allen

PS, My buddy who is also a professional mechanic like me and has 
actually worked on Honda's, says it is common for aluminum Honda pans to 
strip out.
PPS, Dave's gonna rip me a new one for the above sentence. :-)

Dave Rotigel wrote:

>> engines.
>> Whoa be it to me to ever again bring up any subjects other than engine
>> related!
>> Thanks,
>> Tom Schmutz
> Hi Tom,
>         If my count is accurate there are about 300 people on our 
> List. Three of those people objected to the great amount of OT posts 
> of late. That's 1%! (If I were a democrat pollster I would claim that 
> therefore 99% support you.)  Additionally, the objection(s) was (were) 
> not about your original OT post, but rather the MANY replies that were 
> nothing more than a very few people telling the world (over and over 
> again) that ONLY they knew enough to properly change the oil in their 
> car/truck.
>         It seems to me that when an OT post occurs and the answer is 
> given that some others need always to chime in giving no additional 
> information and adding nothing to the thread except their feeble 
> attempt to show everyone how much they KNOW (or think they know) about 
> the topic. It's really those inane comments that were being objected 
> to, not your original post.
>         Dave
> PS, Six inches of snow here today and life is still good!
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