[SEL] Re: Google Gmail - Free, But at a price...

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Sun Apr 3 11:18:56 PDT 2005

AND as a bonus, Google reads every single one of your emails so that ALL
of the adverts you see are targeted to YOUR needs and interests.  And
it keeps your email forever so that it can learn more about you as
time passes.  Isn't that special?  And they assure you that humans never
read your email (no matter how interesting it is) and they never sell any
info about you to advertisers (no matter HOW specific the profile is that
they develop from all of your email).  Its just so wonderful, it makes me
all warm and tingly...  Well, they don't do all of those nasty
privacy-invading things except under "some" circumstances.  But they
carefully obscure just exactly what they are.  Trust them.  They just want
to help...  8-))


See ya,  Arnie

PS - The "about privacy" bit is a hoot.
    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
    From Hamlet (III, ii, 239)

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

On Sun, 3 Apr 2005, Listerdiesel wrote:

> Do you want to try Google Gmail??

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