[SEL] RE: Los Angeles County Fair

Tony Pitts mgomaize at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 27 08:38:11 PDT 2004

Where were these???

My wife and I flew out to LA from Michigan last
weekend, partly to visit her brother, partly because
we had to go somewhere because our passes were
expiring, and partly because they had an Angora goat
competition at the fair.

We got there way too early last Friday (17th) and had
to wait two hours, then went in and the goat show was
over (the only reason we drove out from Venice)!!! 
Seems they do most of the competitions before the fair
opens, kind of odd for us in the midwest.  I looked on
the program for anything old iron related, and saw the
antique tractor exhibit so we walked over there and
saw the 5 or 10 tractors and high-tailed it back to LA
without looking around anymore (something about the
11,000 kids that were there from the schools didn't
look too inviting).  Now I am really bummed we left so

Pictures looked great!



Tony Pitts
Ann Arbor, MI

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