[SEL] re National Rally

Arnie Fero fero_ah at city-net.com
Thu Sep 16 05:55:42 PDT 2004

G'day Reg,

On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, Reg & Margaret Ingold wrote:

> So the NHMA was formed to give a bit of muscle to us splintered groups.
> I dont know who actually did the organising but,
> from these beginnings, it decided to organise insurance, coerced clubs to
> become affilliated, Made up rules on the running of events, etc.etc.
> So we are now at the stage of the game that you are witnessing.

This is often a problem with many of organizations formed for good and
noble purposes.  There are often a handful of small minded piss-ants
who are on power trips and want to organize "rules" to make things go
their way.  Our club had one and the folks at Badger in Wisconsin had a
couple of beauts.  Fortunatly, both clubs had folks who were willing to
invest the time and emotional energy to rein in these nut cases.  Not
everyone is so fortunate.

> I make no judgements on the way things have gone but, I reserve the right to
> disagree with the direction we are headed.

And more importantly, share your views on what's wrong and what should be
done to correct the situation.

> Some can see what is ahead. Others cannot grasp the broad picture.
> Most dont care!

AND THAT is the critical issue!!

> But, when it is too late, Like politics, we are stuck with
> the results of ignoring it and there is no going back.
> "Hey, but, its ONLY old engines, Just a hobby." Well, it may not stop at old
> engines! Or old cars, bikes, etc.etc.

And, from my perspective, it won't stop at the shores of Oz either unless
we stop it.

> I dont know what is coming but, there is not the enjoyment of being able to
> 'show' stuff up close as there was when I first started.
> In Oz, at any 'santioned' event, there is no chance of a visitor getting the
> least bit involved.
> Kids are no longer given the joy of starting an engine. (Under supervision,
> of course) ETC.

Call me a rebel, but I will ALWAYS give kids (and interested grownups)
that opportunity.  And I think Dave will always offer an attractive lady
the opportunity to "push his button" when he has the 15 hp Domestic out to
play.  And if a rally organizer chooses to throw me off the grounds for
such heretical behavior, so be it!

> The message projected is that this stuff is DANGEROUS!

Hell Reg, at the Lister-Petter rally I attended in England in 2002, they
were quite clear in terms of the "message" the rally organizers wanted to
convey to the punters.

> So is crossing the road!  I have played with and owned more engines than
> most, been to a lot of shows, seen the occasional stupid act, but never
> heard of any wild insurance claim.

Nor have I.

> All these rules are there for 'Our, and the spectators protection'?
> Make no mistake, this hobby has one of the lowest injury rate of any.

Ed Zaccary!!

> If we are as dangerous and stupid as the present 'rules' imply, Surely we
> should be in a home for the braindead.

No, that's where the "rule makers" are coming from.

> The more I write, the more desponent I become.
> Not with any one point but with the total overall picture.
> A lot think I am 'out of my tree' for even caring. They see nothing wrong
> with things as they are.
> The arguments are so logical. 'Of COURSE we must do it this way. Just in
> case!'

Keep the faith bro!!  You ain't alone!!

> But, the good days of sharing up close with the public are gone. All
> interaction is over a barrier that is a lot more than a wire fence.

Hey Reggie, you just need to come the Land of the Free and the Home
of the Brave more often where interactions with the spectators can still
take place.  Who knows, you lot may even regain your freedom one day.  8-))

> My views, comments,etc. are just that. I dont claim to be right or wrong,
> and the hobby will follow its course.

Yeah but....  If no one stands up and says the Emperor is butt naked and
has a short ugly dick, you become a land of sheeple.  Not a good thing.

Fortunatly the whole notion of Tort Reform is growing more visible.  Folks
are coming to realize that two industries add nothing to society and, in
fact, take quite a lot.  Those industries are Trial Lawyers and Insurance
Companies.  Here in the US there are areas where there are no doctors
because they can't afford the malpractice insurance.  And the people who
can't get medical attention are becoming more vocal.

This problem will resolve itself favorably.  But only if folks continue to
point out the Emperor's "shortcomings."

> I have had my say, as have a lot of others. Some fresh air has been let in
> and maybe some good will come of it all.

Hear.  Hear.

See ya,  Arnie

Arnie Fero
Pittsburgh, PA
fero_ah at city-net.com

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