[SEL] re National Rally

Ron Page page at velocitynet.com.au
Wed Sep 15 16:59:17 PDT 2004

Oh Reg, come on.  In my time I have never seen the NHMA coerce any club to
become affiliated.  And as for your use of the word "rules".  Well!  I
mentioned in an earlier email that the NHMA issues "guidelines" and these
have to be read in conjunction with local council and state laws.  This is
due to the fact that these government laws vary from state to state and the
NHMA would need to develop a document as big and as complex as the Tax
Act.to cover them all.  As far as I know there have been two issued 1)
Safety Guidelines and 2) Tractor Guidelines.  There was a third set of
guidelines developed for the conduct of the National Rally however at the
Henty National (you may have been there) the members voted for them to be
Rules because it related to the NHMA event.

The mindset of a lot of the movement is that you cannot do ANYTHING without
having insurance.

You now as well as I do that if you want to put on a show in a public place
the authories demand insurance cover of $10m before approval is granted and
I have heard that in some areas $20m coverage is being asked for.  It is not
a mindset of a lot in the movement.  It is a fact of life.

It is my view that the rules loaded on us are for the protection of the
insurance companies more than the public.

Like any insurance the insurer will outline their rules clearly and not so
clearly to protect themselves as much as possible.  Even your life
insurance, house insurance, car insurance policies contain clauses for this

I have played with and owned more engines than most, been to a lot of shows,
seen the occasional stupid act, but never heard of any wild insurance claim.

Don't know about "wild" insurance claims however there have been claims 1)
Campbelltown approximately 10 years ago and more recently out in SW NSW (our
NHMA rep has been away so I cannot provide more details)

The mindless fear that if you have ANY incident, you will automatically be
dragged to court where You WILL have the shirt on your back and everything
else taken from you as a matter of course.

At least those associated with an Incorporated body like the NHMA or a
seperately Incorporated club will be protected.

While I disagree with some of your thougts as outlined above I can agree
with your overall sentiments.

I enjoy all the rallies I go to and from my observation they seem to be
getting bigger and there are more of them.  By comparison we have really
cheap insurance costs because of the size of our organisation.  There are a
lot of organisations that have folded or cannot put on events because they
could not afford the insurance premiums.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Reg & Margaret Ingold" <randmingold at hotkey.net.au>
To: "The SEL email discussion list" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 10:31 PM
Subject: Re: [SEL] re National Rally

> < I am too new at this or perhaps not informed as I am not from your
> country,
> > but exactly what is the NHMA? Is it a government entity or what? My
> > web search only pulled up an insane set of rules for loading and
> > tractors.
> Jeff
> Jeff, The National Historic Machinery Association was formed, partly
>  to try and give the old
> machinery  movement a united voice when the government was all set to try
> and screw us
> on our right to sell OUR property to whoever we wanted to. I wont go into
> deep details except to say that the Govt suddenly saw a chance to pull
> money off us. (If I want to sell something that might be 'antique', and I
> ask more than $350 for it, I am supposed to declare it to the taxman so he
> can move in and collect)
> A portion of the movement were worried about'Heritage' iron leaving the
> country. etc.
> So the NHMA was formed to give a bit of muscle to us splintered groups.
> I dont know who actually did the organising but,
> from these beginnings, it decided to organise insurance, coerced clubs to
> become affilliated, Made up rules on the running of events, etc.etc.
> So we are now at the stage of the game that you are witnessing.
> I make no judgements on the way things have gone but, I reserve the right
> disagree with the direction we are headed.
> Some can see what is ahead. Others cannot grasp the broad picture.
> Most dont care!  But, when it is too late, Like politics, we are stuck
> the results of ignoring it and there is no going back.
> "Hey, but, its ONLY old engines, Just a hobby." Well, it may not stop at
> engines! Or old cars, bikes, etc.etc.
> I dont know what is coming but, there is not the enjoyment of being able
> 'show' stuff up close as there was when I first started.
> In Oz, at any 'santioned' event, there is no chance of a visitor getting
> least bit involved.
> Kids are no longer given the joy of starting an engine. (Under
> of course) ETC.
> The message projected is that this stuff is DANGEROUS!
> So is crossing the road!  I have played with and owned more engines than
> most, been to a lot of shows, seen the occasional stupid act, but never
> heard of any wild insurance claim.
> All these rules are there for 'Our,  and the spectators protection'?
> Make no mistake, this hobby has one of the lowest injury rate of any.
> If we are as dangerous and stupid as the present 'rules' imply, Surely we
> should be in a home for the braindead.
> It is my view that the rules loaded on us are for the protection of the
> insurance companies more than the public.
> The mindset of a lot of the movement is that you cannot do ANYTHING
> having insurance.
> The mindless fear that if you have ANY incident, you will automatically be
> dragged to court where
> You WILL have the shirt on your back and everything else taken from you as
> matter of course.
> (But it MIGHT just happen so........)
> The more I write, the more desponent I become.
> Not with any one point but with the total overall picture.
> A lot think I am 'out of my tree' for even caring. They see nothing wrong
> with things as they are.
> The arguments are so logical. 'Of COURSE we must do it this way. Just in
> case!'
> But, the good days of sharing up close with the public are gone. All
> interaction is over a barrier that is a lot more than a wire fence.
> A lot out there have forgotten that this thread all started because I
> up about the costs involved with the Nat Rally.
> I passed my concerns onto the organisers and reported to rhe list on what
> transpired.
> I have no intention of degading the event or the organisers.
> All the rest of what has followed is  the airing of 'for and against'
> on how things are in Oz.
> My views, comments,etc. are just that. I dont claim to be right or wrong,
> and the hobby will follow its course.
> So, lets just go onto a new topic. We have beaten this one to death and
> solved nothing.
> I have had my say, as have a lot of others. Some fresh air has been let in
> and maybe some good will come of it all.
> Reg & Marg Ingold.
> Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
> randmingold at hotkey.net.au
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/randmingold
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