[SEL] re Tom McKay

Ron Page page at velocitynet.com.au
Wed Sep 8 18:14:51 PDT 2004

Hear Hear Peter.

I knew Tom through our association with the NHMA.  I was Secretary for two
years when he was Treasurer and we had many conversations over that time
both on the phone and at the annual committee meetings .  Apart from engines
we also had dealings about old engine tools as well.

He will be sadly missed.

Ron Page

----- Original Message -----
From: "peter ogborne" <jopeter at omninet.net.au>
To: <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2004 9:33 AM
Subject: [SEL] re Tom McKay

> I am very sorry a lot of members did not know of Toms passing. I suppose i
> knew a couple of hours or so after the event. I tried to post the bad news
> but i could not do so due to the change of the bloody system .
> Tom was a great club man and collector, very hard worker and one of those
> responsible for the excellent insurance cover the affiliated members of
> NHMA have. I am so sorry that Tom and Beth never made it on the promised
> visit that they were going to make to me in Albany.
> Tom was responsible for starting me in this hobby that has now resulted in
> shed full of ...................
> One thing that Tom achieved before his death was the disposal of the great
> number of engines in his shed, lets face it Beth is far better off with
> dollars than the worry of what to do with them, i reckon it is something
> should all think about!
> And one thing that i am sorry about is that i never got around to showing
> Tom how scan a picture.
> Peter Ogborne
> Little Grove ,Albany
> West Australia
> ''Heart of the Rainbow Coast ''
> jopeter at omninet.net.au
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