[SEL] Old IHC threshing and plowing days at Mike Burns

bill at antique-engines.com bill at antique-engines.com
Tue Oct 19 06:53:07 PDT 2004

I MAY be a bit paranoid (it's part of my job in computer security) but
sites like that often make money to keep them going by collecting
information about you and the URLs you visit/snip..................
So, don't use it if you don't run a firewall and/or don't want to be
tracked by the sites you visit and the information openly available on
every computer. It's possible you might end up adding to your junk mail
collection. Just a thought, and since I've not visited that site, of
course, I openly admit I could be very wrong - but knowing how much it
costs in time, labor and real cash to keep a web site going, someone,
somewhere is paying the bills with something.


> Paul,
> Guess you've figured out by now that the problem is the wrapping of the
> URL. Looks like the "l" on the end of .html got dropped.
> I'm trying an experiment with this email in that I changed the wrap
> default from 72 characters to 99 characters. Here is the URL again and
> we'll see if it wraps now.
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/holland/images/MikeBurns2004/Thumbnails.html
> Curt Holland
> Gastonia, NC
> P.S. Steve W., interesting concept with the snipped URL. Any idea how
> long they maintain the database of snipped URL links?
> paulmaples at sbcglobal.net wrote:
>> Hey Wayne the site does not open for me, what about other folks, can
>> you open the site?
>> Paul
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