[SEL] Breakaway chains & Cables

Dave Rotigel rotigel at alltel.net
Thu Oct 14 14:47:40 PDT 2004

Hi Peter,
>I am just drawing up a new lightweight 2-axle trailer that will fit inside the
>new van (with the drawbar removed)
Why in the hell would you want to do that?

>  and the subject of breakaway chains and brake
>application safety cables was raised on one of the uk caravan (trailer home)
>I noticed at Portland that most guys use safety chains with electric brakes on
>their engine trailers, and overrun brakes are rarely used.
>What is the general feeling about safety chains and other forms of trailer
>retention after a tow hitch failure?  In the UK, if we have a breakaway cable
>that pulls on the trailer brakes if it separates from the towing vehicle 
>then we
>do not needs safety chains.
We, here in the USA generally use BOTH safety chains AND a break-a-way 
cable if we have breaks on our trailer. Single axle trailers (usually) do 
no have breaks.

>I'm leaning towards fitting both on the new trailer and would appreciate any
>The trailer is unbraked and 3/4 ton max gross weight.
What the hell good is a 1500 lb. ton trailer? Here in the USA the lightest 
that we can licence is 3,000 lbs. If you have no brakes then use safety chains!

>The drawbar is a single
>box section which is just under 9ft long, the trailer itself is just under 
>long and will just about fill the van inside. Because of motorway (freeway)
>restrictions and tachograph requirements, it is easier when travelling back
>empty to carry the trailer inside than tow it, and on Ferry crossings like 
>we do
>to Spain, it makes £350 difference!
I now understand why you want it to fit in your van!

PS, See: http://www.oldengine.org/members/rotigel/trailer/trailer.html 

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