Kerry ozengine at optusnet.com.au
Tue Oct 12 05:48:49 PDT 2004

G'Day Adam

I tried really hard to stay out of it this time around, but what are you on

> Gents and Ladies,
>                to abtain NHMA insurance the following must occur...
> 1. You must be a member of an affiliated club (there are close to 150 of
them I believe)
> 2. You must be an exhibitor to enter a compound and of course hold an
insurance card from your Club

tell me if I am wrong but you join a club pay your fees and get your
insurance, got nothing to do with being a exhibitor,
but if you are saying that you cannot enter a compound without being an
exhibitor even if you are a club member is totally stupid something that I
have never heard of before and would defy logic, but then again a lot of
what has been said falls into that group already.
The only section of the RULES? I can find is

Only insured operators of engines and machinery and insured club members are
to be allowed within the compound while engines and machinery are operating.

which is completely different to what you have stated.
Several times people on this list have made statements, some totally wrong
or at the least confusing, if people like yourself (official of the
national) cannot get it right then you must understand why the rest of us
dummies are confused.

I have no problems with the fences, put denying entry to a compound to a
guest under supervision really gets up my noise, then statements like having
to be an exhibitor would really piss me and a lot of others off.

waiting to be un-confused

Kerry Morris
Lithgow NSW OZ

Web   http://www.members.optusnet.com.au/kerrymorris_49

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