[SEL] Re: nhma

Jeff Allen transteck at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 6 18:54:57 PDT 2004


Please send me a copy. Your excerpt shows how out of control this group is 
and I want to read all of it.

Just today I read the news of a fatality at a show. It was while loading a 
tractor. George Best wrote:

*From years of attending shows, I know that the loading and unloading of 
tractors or engines is when the majority of the accidents occur.  I've
witnessed several accidents where someone could have been killed and was 
lucky enough to survive.*

The fences would do what to prevent that?

The NHMA spent how much on toilets? Too damn much if there is no security 
from vandals and the like! I'd rather wait in line to piss than have 
property damaged or stolen.

Some person places an iron bar or their head in your flywheels

My six year old grandson knows to keep a safe distance from flywheels, and 
would never consider placing anything near them with one exception. Some 
common sense, and some safety training on my part. I do let him load the 
Maytag flywheel with his shoe to make it pop, and always under supervision. 
When he tried the downhill side, I stopped him and the engine, and showed 
him why. His eyes got big and he got it right away.

Keep at it mate. You are not alone in your feeling, and you are not giving 
up. More later? Probably huge flames after I read all of it. I feel your 


Jeff Allen
Arvada, Colorado USA


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Reg & Margaret Ingold" <randmingold at hotkey.net.au>
To: "List SEL" <sel at lists.stationary-engine.com>; "oldengine list" 
<stationary-engine at oldengine.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 5:18 PM
Subject: nhma

>I got the club Mag. today and inside was some of the NHMA newsletter.
> I have scanned the page and will send it off list to anyone interested.
> However, here is one bit I want to comment on.
> "A small minority of members cannot understand the nessessity of fences
> around exhibits.I suggest these members consider that fences protect them
> from the public. When tools and equipment,magnetos and perhaps engines are
> found missing,and some person places an iron bar or their head in your
> flywheels, or your tractor is sabotaged, then perhaps we will hear some
> support for fences"
> This is from the president J.W. Stanley!
> So, not only are the public needing protection from us, WE are in need of
> protection from the public!  All of whom,it seems are there to rob and
> steal, commit suicide,and vandalise all exhibits!
> And the wire fence is a magic way of stopping all the above occurring!
> I am putting this up for discussion and to show the mindset that is the
> Another section.
>                                "I am concerned that tractors and vehicles
> are being exhibited unfenced at some rallies. in these cases THE CLUB AND
> So, what is a static tractor or old car going to do? Explode if there is 
> no
> fence?
> Words now fail me!!
> Reg & Marg Ingold.
> Newcastle, NSW, Australia.
> randmingold at hotkey.net.au
> http://www.oldengine.org/members/randmingold
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> stationary-engine-request at oldengine.org
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