[SEL] OT Joe Maurer in hospital

cgandree at mchsi.com cgandree at mchsi.com
Sun Nov 21 05:29:25 PST 2004

Thought I might pass on that my good friend Joe Maurer was taken to the 
hospital after having severe chest pains on friday.  They ran all kinds of 
tests at the local hospital in Freeport then determined couldn't help him so 
they medivaced him to a Truma Center in Rockford where they finally found that 
he had a severly torn Arota wall and after 4hrs of surgery the reconstructed 
the wall saving his life. Spoke with his family yesterday and he is now off 
the respirator and being transfered to room sometime today.  Will post any 
updates as I get them.
Curt Andree

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