[SEL] Opinions Please
MaytagTwin at aol.com
MaytagTwin at aol.com
Mon Nov 15 17:56:08 PST 2004
Hi Joe,
Certainly you can find another base for it, but, why not try a different kind
of repair. May I suggest you drill the end of any visible cracks to prevent
their cracking further. Then, get a sheet of roofing copper sheet, and, using
your hammer and a hot fire for annealing, form a copper liner to go inside
the crankcase base. When finished, drill through it in several places and,
using copper rivets, rivet the copper liner to the base. Be sure to put your name
and date on the repair so that someone later on can marvel over your work.
Ron Carroll
Poverty Ridge West
Home of the Wandering Maytags
Clearmont, Missouri
In a message dated 11/15/2004 7:49:19 PM Central Standard Time,
jlb94 at juno.com writes:
I took it apart - heated the solder off and decided to braze the cracks.
I cannot braze the crack shut because of the epoxy still in the crack
preventing me from "bridging" the crack and cannot get it cleaned out
I am about to re-epoxy (JB Weld) it on the outside and use a gas tank
sealer on the inside.
I would like to weld or braze rather than epoxy it.
While heating, I see that the crack extends almost to a complete circle.
The idea of breaking out the circle - cleaning it up and then attempting
to braze it back into place has crossed my mind. I also feel the engine
ain't worth all this trouble.
Anyone care to advise ?
Joe "Pip" Betz said that.
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